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    Sarah Reynolds | The Coaching Crow LLC

    šŸ‘‹ Hey! I'm Sarah and I help female entrepreneurs fight feeling stagnet in life by helping them uncover who they really are to help them build the life of their dreams! šŸ‘‰ 8 years ago, I was a young mom of 25, who really just wanted to be a mom to her then 3 & 5 year old. My husband was our main income source but with our growing family extra money never hurt. Suddenly, Direct Sales businesses were taking off in every single one of my social circles. Even to me it made so much sense because I could do it MY WAY and work around my families needs. šŸ˜– I got frustrated with the inconsistent sales and over working what wasn't working for me and decided to go back to college to be a Registered Medical Assistant. During my time in college, I took my first every personal development class. This is exactly where it got it exciting for me to learn more about myself. šŸ‘‰ The fact that I could know what attracts other people to me and how I could leverage that to my advantage, or by understanding my communication style and faults, I could learn how to communicate better, and even understanding my body and how it related to not only my physical health but my mind and spirit was foundation shaking for me. 3 years ago, I got a divorce, this is when I decided to be inspired to be more myself than ever and starting building a life I loved being apart of every single day, šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I mean why not? I was already standing in the ashes of my old life anyways. Ever since, I've had a strong determination to help women understand they are their biggest tool to having a successful life and career! In 2020, I started The Coaching Crow LLC divinely inspired and lit up to encourage and teach women how to be their biggest tools in creating an amazing life! At the time, I was freshly divorced. My life had already been through so much at this point like becoming a single mom at 19 and again at 21, multiple dead end jobs, heart break, and losing my cousin to suicide. I realized, I was ready to no longer be the person I was. I kept feeling like their had to more to life than just constant heart break. I realized my inspiration for this change came from the cousin sized hole in my heart. I was tired of losing amazing women and wanted to become a resource for those feeling unsupported, unloved, or out of options. Here at The Coaching Crow, I BELIEVE EVERYONE can find success and happiness from EXACTLY where they currently are in life like feeling: šŸ‘‰ Heart Broken šŸ‘‰ Lost šŸ‘‰ Searching for Purpose šŸ‘‰ Feeling stuck in a rut By addressing your mindset and mental health. By teaching you the fundamentals of success. And by teaching you tools you can use to uncover who you really are in order to discover your purpose! Are you ready to start building the life of your dreams?