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Leona Reading

I’m Leona, a soul and business mentor*. I embody many labels: mindset & business coach, life coach, energy coach, yoga teacher, author and astrology Apprentice are amongst them. At my core, I’m an Explorer. I take my clients on an adventure within to embody their essence… and then expand. My clients are bold souls who say a full-body yes for a transformative journey, to lead their life/biz their own sacred way. I’ll support them through two pivotal stages to give birth to their vision: ✴ Meeting themselves and discover their purpose: stop playing small and connect deeply to their wise, wild & free soul to create a meaningful life ✴ Creating their entrepreneurial life: embodying their magic first and then expanding through a confident mindset and a heart-centred marketing where the strategy is them. If you feel the call to lead and do your biz/life your own sacred way, I'm here to guide you through a transformative journey to embody your essence and expand. ✴ Meet yourself. Stop playing small and discover your purpose through a deep connection to your wise, wild & free soul (feel ready for the ride?), ✴ Create your entrepreneurial life being deeply aligned to your soul. Embody your magic first and then expand through heart-centred marketing and a confident mindset. * Certified by the Beautiful You Coaching Academy, Certified by the Devoted Energy Coaching School, with 10 years of background in marketing.