Y O U ARE L I M I T L E S S Holistic Healing & Spirituality Coach Brain & Body Optimization | Quantum Healing | Tarot/Oracle | Alchemy Coaching | Reiki | Empowerment Coaching | Mastering Manifestation | Tapping into Your Magic | & More
Live Reading Payments!!
Wheel of the Year Tarot 2023
Are you eager to know what is coming your way in 2023? Lucky you I am offering this intuitive Tarot read for all 12 months of your New Year. We will go over the general energy or theme your year is presenting and what each month has to offer. This will be coupled with guidance and coaching for each month as well. This is a beautiful and enchanting way to close out your 2022 and enter into January with a sense of confidence.
$222.22 $144.44
Video Call on Google Meet
53 mins
Transformational Coaching Call
Dive deep into your subconscious mind, meet your shadow, and learn how to love your darkness. Transmute your pain into power and dark into light. Transform your perspective and alchemize fear into love. You will walk away from this Coaching Call a new person with a fresh perspective that will help you eradicate the illusion of your limitations.
$222.22 $197.97
Phone Call
50 mins
Health Coaching Session
Whether desiring to improve your nutrition, find the right exercise schedule for you, lose weight, improve sleep, reduce stress, etc. Anything related to your optimizing your physical health can be addressed and sorted in this 1to1 call.
Video Call on Google Meet
50 mins
Relationship, Love, Twin Flame Coaching
Get a deeper understanding of your love or your twin flame connection. These intense love connections can be very difficult to navigate. With the help of me and this session, you will be provided with communication tools, energy healing methods, grounding techniques, and many more practices to balance the energies and relationships in your life. You will walk away with a sense of clarity and understanding of how to maintain your physical, mental, and spiritual health in these deep connections.
Video Call on Google Meet
55 mins
Higher Self Coaching
Our Higher Self is the wise being within all of us. It is a calm, loving, and spiritual guide that brings our positive characteristics to the surface and tasks us with questioning our lower nature. When we live in alignment with the inner wisdom of our Higher Selves, we become the best possible version of ourselves. Our Higher Self knows our purpose in life, and encompasses our potential to live a fulfilling and joyous life through personal growth and self-awareness. Book this call to connect more deeply with your soul's wise essence and gain a deeper understanding of direction in your life.
Video Call on Google Meet
50 mins
Personalized Yoga & Meditation Class
Working towards optimizing your mind and body? Yoga is an essential tool to tap into the innate healing powers of the body. Meditation helps you to gain control of your mind and become more present/sharp. Both of these modalities help you to tap into a healthier way of living. Some people, with consistent practice, also experience breakthroughs, emotional healing, and even spiritual awakenings.
Video Call on Google Meet
60 mins
Personalized Fitness Coaching
Optimize your physical health and connect more deeply with your body by coming up with a personalized fitness pan based on your blood type, genetics, history, gender, schedule, and much more. The goal of this type of coaching is to find movement that works for you and your body type to help you reach your health goals. Not only thttps://storage.googleapis.com/snipfeed-image/consultation_images/llGA87vBvvt4n0nAmkMK/e87f8224-8e84-493a-9bd8-1d4a6dbfd34d.jpeghat, it is to find something that is FUN for you as well.
Video Call on Google Meet
45 mins
Intuitive Card Reading
Tarot, Oracle, Energy Healing, and guidance from your guides and angels. These sessions are PROFOUND and empower you to make necessary changes in your life while giving you confirmation,
$99.97 $92.33
Video Call on Google Meet
35 mins
Quantum Leap Session
At any given point, we exist in multiple dimensions, this technique emphasises vivid visualisations of these different dimensions to help us hack into an ideal version of ourselves.... the happiest, healthiest, wealthiest, most fulfilled version. he idea is that by visualizing our most powerful and productive versions, we unlock a better understanding of what it takes to find success. And a shit load of money. In this session, based on your personal goals and manifestations, I will guide you through a powerful visualization and portal where at the end, you will shift your vibration and start attracting everything you desire into your life.
Video Call on Google Meet
40 mins
Sound Bath Healing Session
Sound Medicine is one of the most powerful medicines on the planet and has been used for thousands of years as a therapy. This session uses crystal bowls and water drums to help you release what is meant to be released. Whether it be stored trauma, deep emotions, or physical pain. This journey will promote deep healing and relaxation.
Video Call on Google Meet
75 mins
Distance Reiki & Energy Healing
Reiki (Universal Life Force Energy) teaches us that we are more than just our physical bodies and that Reiki surrounds us as an energetic body. Reiki energy connects on our spiritual and energetic levels. Distant Reiki sessions work because energy is not limited by distance. Distance is only a physical limitation, so sessions can be done without clients being physically present. We are all connected, as we are all energy matter and part of a larger whole. In this session you will receive a guided meditation, energy healing,
Video Call on Google Meet
75 mins
Meditation & Breathwork Session
Breathwork is a form of active meditation utilizing breathing techniques. This practice is a dynamic body-mind practice using conscious connected breathing techniques for inner peace, enhanced health, wellbeing and personal transformation. Combined with a personalized guided meditation, this session will bring your breakthroughs and immense clarity. You will also receive some channeled guidance at the end of session.
Video Call on Google Meet
45 mins
If you are looking to significantly shift your energy and start bringing in your desires at a rapid rate... use this video over and over again to continuously gain more power and confidence. This meditation is significantly effective. DO NOT use this meditation if you are not wanting positive change and forward momentum in your life. Enjoy!!
Use these vibrational activations to shift your energy and become a master manifester and alchemist! Manifest the life of your dreams and learn to channel/transform your energy into something positive.
Subconscious Empowerment Activation
A few minutes of powerful affirmations and activations to start shifting your mindset and therefore changing your life. Liberate yourself from fear and become the limitless being that you are!!
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