Astrology for self-discovery Hi! My name is Justine and mercuryselene astrology is my baby. I fell in love with astrology & mythology as a young girl. I am self taught & have attended classes in the realms of esoteric, asteroid, fixed stars & tropical astrology.
Your support keeps me going 🚀
Quick Astro Questions
Natal Chart Astrology Reading
Return Charts
Solar Return Chart Astrology Reading
Once a year the Sun returns to the place it was when you were born AKA your birthday! This reading gives an in depth look at themes for your new year. I'll be looking into the current annual profection year you"ll be experiencing, the Solar return chart, & your natal chart for comparison. *Time, Date, Location at birth needed, as well as current location* *Please allow 1-2weeks received via email PDF format
Lunar Return Reading
The Moon in astrology represents your emotional life, feelings, & stuff below the surface. Each month the Moon returns to the same position it was when you were born. This reading gives insight into your emotional state & themes that may come up for the month. *Time, Date, Location of birth is needed, as well current location*
Saturn Return Chart Astrology Reading
*Time, Date, & Location of birth is needed* **Currently only doing Saturn Returns for Pisces Saturn natives; individuals born between 1993-1996** Saturn returns happen aprox. every 29 years. In the astro world it's where you truly become an adult. It's a monumental rite of passage where you grow & mature, facing challenging yet rewarding life lessons. This reading guides you through some of the challenges you may face over the next 3 years & how to best navigate them.
$77.77 $50.00
Mars Return Chart Astrology reading
*Time, Date, & Location of birth needed* Mars in astrology represents our drive, stamina, & libido. About every 2 years, Mars returns to the position in which you were born. This reading offers insight on what area of life your greatest efforts / where the most energy will be placed & best expressed over the next 2 years.
$77.77 $50.00
Venus Return chart astrology reading
*Time, Date, & Location of birth is needed* Venus in astrology is the planet of love, romance, beauty, art, & money. Roughly 12-18 months you'll experience your Venus return, that is where it returns to the point it was when you where born. This reading offers insight into themes that may come up regarding relationships, love life, to some extent money or worth, and how best to embrace feminine energy for this year.
Love & the Stars
Synastry Astrology Reading
Synastry in astrology looks into the impact that you & your partner have on each other. By comparing both charts, we determine the strengths & weaknesses in specific areas. I will be interpreting the houses & planets that are aspecting each other, and adding in some of my favorite love asteroids like Amor, Juno, Cupido, etc. *Please provide time, date, city of birth for both parties upon booking. *Please allow 1-2 weeks to receive via email PDF format.
Composite Chart Astrology Reading
Unlike a synastry chart, a composite chart is neither yours nor your partner's natal chart. It is a chart that combines the two energies and formulates a new chart that can be read as the energy of the relationship. I will also be adding some of my favorite love asteroids like Amor, Juno, Cupido etc. *Please provide time, date, city of birth for both parties upon booking *Please allow 1-2weeks to receive via email PDF format
What is Love?
Have you ever wondered what's your love style? What do you want in love or what do you want in a partner to feel fulfilled? Or maybe you have a partner & you'd like to know how to best love them. Find out by giving me yours or your partners info and we can dive into the 5th of dating, 7th of marriage, 8th house of intimacy, Venus, Moon, Mars & some of my favorite love asteroids like Juno & Amor. *Time, Date, & Location of birth is needed* *Receive within 7 days via email PDF format
Have you ever wanted to explore what turns you or a lover on? Then dive into this reading where you can find out sex style, power, & energy of you or a loved one by looking at the 5th house, 8th house, Mars, and some of my favorite sex asteroids like Lust, Kama, & Eros. *Time, Date, & Location of birth is needed* *Please allow 7 days to receive via email PDF format
Draconic Chart Astrology reading
$77.77 $50.00
Progressive Chart Astrology
$77.77 $50.00
Transits Reading
Mini Readings
Chiron: The Wounded Healer
Chiron is an asteroid in your natal chart that represents a wound. It's symbol is shaped like a key which is no mistake because it is the key to understanding your pain & the path to healing. In this reading we shine a light on your Chiron placement by sign, house, & any aspects that affect your healing journey. Here you can use your vulnerability as a source of power. *Please provide your time, date, & city of birth at booking. *Receive in 7 days via email in PDF format
The North & South Nodes
The North Node in a birth chart is like the North star; pointing you in the direction of your mission. The South Node is your past gifts & influence. Discover your karmic journey by exploring the lunar nodes in your natal chart. *Please provide time, date, & city of birth when booking. *Receive within 7 days via email in PDF format
$55.55 $20.00
The Moon 🌙
The Moon in astrology represents our inner world, emotions, what we need to feel safe & fulfilled emotionally. Explore your inner self by discovering all about your moon sign, house, aspects & lunar phase. *Please provide time, date, city of birth upon booking. *Receive within 7 days via email in PDF format
Lilith: Dark Feminine energy
Understanding your Lilith placements can help you understand your shadows, your repression, your inner truth, & your power. We'll be diving not only into Black Moon Lilith, but Dark Moon & Asteroid Lilith for a full comprehensive discovery of your Lilith story. *Please provide time, date, & city of birth upon booking. *Receive within 7 days via email in PDF format
Pisces-Virgo Lunar nodes mini reading
Description: Discover what the North Node in Pisces & South Node in Virgo specifically means for you. Readings will be e-mailed within 2 business days.