The March Collection
March Reading Special
These are discounted readings that will be delivered to your DMs on Instagram. Please fill out the form. These are not same day readings.
Whatcha Got Barter, Sell, Trade List
This form will capture skills or products that you may offer that can help our community. For example, if you have seeds that you want to share or sell you can list that in this form. If there are other things that you have that could help someone to become self sustaining, list them here as well. Please list your geographic area and if you are wiling to ship. Your information will be placed in a guidebook that others can look through. Any transactions are between you and that person. I am not liable for any transactions that are conducted between you and another person. Research on people listed is the responsibility of the buyer and seller.
Shop Oshunslight
Use this link to shop my Heavily Conjured Products, Services and Personal Spellwork!
1:1 Zoom Readings
This is the link to my scheduling for tarot readings. These meetings are face to face online.
Personal Recorded Readings
5 Question Reading
Get answers to the questions that you need answers for. Please include your full name and the full of anyone in the questions. Please label questions 1-5. Enter your questions in the "Question" box on the form. Do NOT send in DMs. Thanks!
What's going on in our Relationship
Get a view of their thoughts, what hinders and helps in the relationship, what's binding and separating you and the path of the relationship
Actions and Blockages
What is blocking your road/ What can you do to get rid of them and move forward. This reading will give your guidance on what' s in your way and how to destroy them. This includes and oracle pull and rootwork consultation if needed. Please include your full name for this reading.
How to Find Love Tarot Reading
Finding love can be very difficult, even for those who are successful in other areas of their lives. This reading will tell you what is holding you back, where you need to grow and what is needs to change in your life. Use this reading to help you find a new love or to move a present relationship forward.
Shadow Side Reading
Your Shadow Side is the untapped side of your unconsciousness. Your shadow side can prevent you from growth and can reveal past traumas. Please include your full name for this reading.
Stages of Change
Are you going through changes in your life and want to make sense of where you came from, where you are & are going? This reading will make sense of how the past still impacts where you are today, what to expect and what lesson you are to learn.
11 Card Timeline Reading
More in-depth Reading to learn the outcome of a situation , dynamics of a relationship/situation, etc. Includes an oracle pull and rootwork consultation if needed. Please include your full name for this reading and the full names of anyone included i.e if this is about a relationship, I need your partner's name too. Please enter your question in the "Question" box on the form. DO NOT send in DMs. Thanks!
$55.00 $45.00
Energy Reading
This reading will allow me to read the energy that is surrounding you and your life path. I will also look into which areas need healing and where you can focus for growth.
Life's Purpose Reading
If you are feeling like you are stuck or you want guidance from your Spirit Team, Guides and Ancestors; this reading is what you need. Find out if you are walking in a favored path or if there are detours you need to consider.
Ancestor Guidance Reading
What guidance is in the ether from your ancestors? Tap in to get guidance. Please include your full name for this reading.
Mini Sweetening Jar
Sweetening jars are a hoodoo staple. They can be used in a variety of ways. You can use them to sweet in a relationship, a family relationship, your business, or even for self-love. These mini sweetening jars are power packed and include a hand written petition with Rose and dragons blood ink. Flowers, herbs, crystals, anointed charms and three oils are added to each jar They are then charged on my altar, and then shipped to you. You may then burn a candle on the jar to continue the energy. Properly cared for the energy in a sweetening jar can last between 4 to 6 months.
Protection Jar
Jar work is Hoodoo's answer to container spells. This spellwork provides you and your family for up to 6 months. Each jar is filled with anointed and prayed over herbs, roots and crystal. Your expertly crafted petition paper will contain yours and your loved ones names. This jar contains 10 herbs, roots and crystals. Your jar will be shipped to you
Prosperity Jar
Are you wanting to attract and maintain money and prosperity in your home? This Prosperity Jar will do just that. Many of you know jar work as long lasting and powerful. Why not layer your conjure and spellwork with long lasting, powerful energy. This jar contains 12 herbs,roots, flowers and crystals all working together to bring in abundance. Light a candle on this jar at least once a week to continuously attract what your family needs. This jar will be shipped to your home.
The Guide
An online catalog of my products and services.
The Awakening
PDF Conjure Guide
The Dive: Journal Prompts to Dive into your Shadow Side
This ebook will give you prompts that will help you to dive into your shadow side. Each prompt is open ended and will help you to find things that are hidden in your psyche.
Patreon - Deeper Learning
Join our Patreon Family to learn more and receive personalized weekly readings.
Abundance Mindset : Increase the Flow
Abundance Mindset: Increase the Flow is a month long course with 4 lessons intended to be implemented over one month. Here you will find ways that you could be blocking your own success and abundance and what to do about it. There are checklists, journal prompts and action items.
Life Changer Class - Hoodoo Candle Class - On Demand
Life Changer Class
Learn the MULTIPLE mini rituals I do for each candle I set. 🔥 Learn how to write a petition paper and what to do with it. 🔥 Learn how to set a “fixed candle” with herbs and oil. 🔥 Find out how I set candles on my altar. 🔥 Learn how to cleanse a candle. 🔥 Learn why you don’t use tons of herbs on a candle. 🔥 Find out why I go nuts when I see people shaking herbs on candles like BBQ. 🔥 Find how your herbs and oils WORK TOGETHER to create a powerhouse. 🔥 Learn how to set a petition when you have a “target”. 🔥 This 30 minute course and handout will guide you to CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!
Left Handed Basics
This class with give you the basics to be able to effectively throw your left hand. Here we will cover: *What is Left Handed Work * Magickal Ethics * Protection * Is the work justified * Return to sender *Candle Work * Laying Tricks *Personal Concerns *Intranquil Spirit
The Next Step
This class is for those who are already proficient with candle work OR have taken my Life Changer Class. Do you want to launch a business? Get a major promotion? Create the home life that you want? This on demand class will give you insight in how to use herbs, crystals, tarot, & correct colors in your workings. You will also learn the magical properties of the full moons of the year and how to create a plan to transform your life or how to execute a magical plan for 12 months that will bring in what you are wanting to manifest. Don't be fooled. One candle isn't going to completely rewrite your life. Get the tools to be able to create a magical practice that works.
Protect Ya Tings; A Course in Spiritual Protection
This on demand class will walk you through what spiritual protection is and how you can incorporate it into your life.
What Does Spirit Want You to Know?
This reading touches on what information you need to know in your life. This could be in any area of your life but it is what you need to hear. Many times in our live we place our attention on the "squeaky wheel". Meanwhile there is another area that needs help, nurturing or development. This 6 card reading will give you a message from the other side of the veil to help warn, help or guide you. This is NOT a time to send over 20 plus questions. This a message that comes to you about what YOU need to know. There are not questions attached to this reading. This reading MAY require a pendulum or oracle card clarification for more information.
Rediscovering You: Healing from a Breakup
A break up can rock you to your foundations. One of the most frequently experienced Tower events in life; each one can hurt and cast doubt on the relationship, your actions and even your self-esteem. This journal will allow you to process your feelings and look to the future in a safe space.
Reiki Services
The Reiki Services Collection is an ever growing list of readings and healing services that can bring spiritual, emotional and physical healing to you.
Spiritual Success Coaching (Beginning August 1)
This program is designed for women between the ages of 35-55 who are business oriented with a somewhat clear view of where they want to go with their careers and lives in general. Spiritual Success Coaching will allow you to bring your dream of success into reality. This is a system of guidance over time with readings, channelled messages and spiritual workings to power your actions and guide your steps. This program can be utilized by women in any industry as long as they are willing to commit to the process.
Spiritual Success Coaching Information
This pdf gives in-depth information into the Spiritual Success Coaching Program.
Temperance: Rediscovering Your Inner Goddess
Support me 🔮
Personal Cord Cutting
Remove your insecurities, doubts, outdated ways of thinking about YOURSELF. This cord cutting will be done with chime candles NOT FIGURALS. This is the same cord cutting that was spoken to do for myself after readings and candle work on myself. The intention will be to separate you from the aspects of yourself that are holding you back specifically doubts, insecurities etc. This MUST be done in conjunction with your own actions to stop negative thoughts when they pop up. This is an aid, not a one and done. You must work too.
Mentorship Interest Form
Please fill out this form to express your interest in mentorship. There will be two types of mentorship. 1. Small group mentoring. You will be part of a cohort of other learners. We will meet bimonthly. There will be a set curriculum of study for this class. The group will allow for discussion of topics and experiences. Small group mentorship will be $75/month. 2. 1:1 Mentorship. This mentorship will be more intense and will be just you and I. The Curriculum will be individualized to the learner. There will be a SMALL number of people in 1:1 due to the labor intensive nature of individualized learning. The cost for 1:1 mentorship will be $111/month
Inner Child & Reiki Healing Reading plus Service
This reading is the start of a process. During this reading I will focus on healing of your inner child. I will then read on your chakras to determine which one needs help. I will light a candle to help heal that chakra or chakras. The final step will be activities that you can do to help with your chakras that may be blocked. If it is determined that your chakras need extensive work or that you have a tear in your aura, you may choose to do work with an energy worker to repair your template or reconstruct it. This is actually very rare but does happen.
Ancestor Altar Basics
Are you ready to create your own ancestor altar? Many of us know that having an ancestor altar is a great way to honor those who came before and to invite them into our lives to guide us. Many cultures actively honor ancestors and it is a part of life. It is now time for us to reclaim this guidance that has been lost to us.
Email List
Use this to submit your email address so that I can contact you with information, to join candle services etc. Otherwise you won't know.
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