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    • Feel Your Feelings Workbook

      Feel Your Feelings Workbook

      Many of us were conditioned from a young age to repress or ignore uncomfortable emotions. However, avoiding these feelings often backfires, causing them to persist and even manifest physically in the body as tension, pain, or illness. The good news is that it only takes 90 seconds for an emotion to fully move through us. The challenge is staying present with ourselves long enough to allow it to pass. When we can meet our experiences with curiosity and compassion instead of resistance, emotions become useful messengers highlighting unmet needs. The next time you encounter a challenging emotion, use this workbook to implement a simple process to identify your feelings and meet your needs. With practice, this process can help you unlock the hidden messages behind painful emotions. Rather than being at their mercy, you can become fluent in the language of feelings, listening to what they're trying to tell you!

    Feel Your Feelings Workbook


    Digital Product:

    • 1 Document