Hi, I'm Sam!
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Location: UWS, NYC 60's-80's
How to be a Successful Pet Sitter eBook
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Self-paced courses
Foundations to Building Wealth
This bundle includes Course 1, 2 and 3! The bundle is meant to give you the foundations to building wealth from nothing by digging into what you were taught about money and how you're currently using it. This is your safe, affordable space to being your journey to financial freedom. What's covered? - Why you spend the way that you do - Stop emotional spending - Your current monthly spending - Aligning your spending with your priorities - Building a sustainable budget - Adjusting your budget as you go What's Included? - Exclusive Monthly Budget Workbook - 6 Pre-Recorded Video Lessons - 7 Worksheets
Course 1: Money Psychology
Money Psychology is for you if you want to learn how your childhood has impacted your views on money and re-write your own story. The course also covers emotional spending and how to stop. Are you done with your own stories?
Course 2: Better Money Habits
Better Money Habits is for you if you're ready to know how much money you spend on takeout, shopping, etc every month. This will allow you to build habits that align your spending with your priorities. Are you ready to face your financial reality?
Course 3: Control My Money
Control My Money is for you if you are ready to build a guilt free budget that still allows you to enjoy life. We will not cut out your morning coffee, if that brings you joy! Are you ready to know where every dollar goes? What's Included? - Exclusive Monthly Budget Workbook - Money Paydate Worksheet - Accounts You Need Worksheet - 2 Pre-Recorded Video Lessons